Medizinische Informatik, Statistik und Dokumentation

The institute provides scientific services to Medical University of Graz staff as well as external project partners.

Statistical consulting

Every Tuesday from 2 to 4 PM, we offer consultations on the planning and evaluation of clinical trials and on other issues related to statistics that arise during research projects. Timely scheduling of an appointment is required. For an effective consultation, we ask that you fill out the registration form and either return it to us before your appointment or bring it with you.

Requests for statistical assistance for diploma theses are handled via the course "Methods seminar in biostatistics for diploma students". In exceptional cases (time without lectures) an appointment at the Statistical consulting can take place in the presence of the supervisor.


Statistical Consulting team 
T: +43 316 385 13201

Randomization for clinical trials

For the randomization of clinical trials, we have developed the Randomizer web application. More information on this service including a demo is available at Use of this randomization service is free of charge for academic studies at the Medical University of Graz.


Randomization for Clinical Trials team 
T: +43 316 385 13201

Data management for clinical trials

We support clinical trials and registers as well as epidemiological studies in different medical disciplines. For data management, we offer the following solutions:

  • We operate clincase, an electronic data capture (EDC) system for multicenter clinical trials that is FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliant, and provide support with eCRF design, plausibility and consistency checks, reports, data export, trial validation and user administration.
  • For expanded scientific and medical documentation, we provide the RDA system, which can be applied to data collection in epidemiological studies at the Medical University of Graz. Access to RDA is only available within University Hospital Graz. Our services include support with creation of database forms and data export.


Data Management team 
T: +43 316 385 13201

Analyses from clinical information systems

Our services include extraction, transformation and aggregation of data from clinical information systems in reference to scientific problems. We create reports and analyses that are provided to scientists on the *Med-Report-Portal that we have developed (accessible only within the KAGes network).


Data Management team 
T: +43 316 385 13201

Pseudonym management

iPSN—an acronym for Interactive PSeudonymizatioN—is a tool we have developed for generating and administering pseudonyms in the context of medical research projects. iPSN creates pseudonyms for original values (either personal data such as name, date of birth and sex or generic string data, for example IDs from patient management systems) and saves these pseudonyms in a database.

Though typical users work in medical data management, PIs may also directly apply iPSN, for example in multicenter registers. Contact our Data Management team if you would like to use iPSN in your project.


Data Management team 
T: +43 316 385 13201

Multimedia database

We provide support with the setup and application of the multimedia database iMAGIC for scientific purposes. Images, videos, lectures and teaching handouts can be saved in this database. It is also possible to take (sufficiently anonymized) images that are scientifically relevant from the patient database.

Doctors and academic staff of University Hospital Graz may access this database.


Multimedia Database team 
T: +43 316 385 84518

Training system for brain death diagnostics

BRAINDEXweb is a teaching and learning system for brain death diagnostics according to the Austrian Empfehlungen zur Durchführung der Hirntoddiagnostik bei einer geplanten Organentnahme (Recommendations for Conducting Brain Death Diagnostics for Planned Organ Removal; OSR Österreich; 2013). We developed this application in an interdisciplinary project with the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine. The project was conducted with the kind support of Novartis Pharma GmbH.

BRAINDEXweb is available (in German only) at Access is personalized, registration is required in order to use the training system. 


Training System for Brain Death Diagnostics team 
T: +43 316 385 13201