PI: Alexander Avian
Focus: Patient-Reported Outcomes (PRO) are used to consider the patient’s perspective in everyday medical practice as well as in research and quality management projects. Our research interests are both the development of new PROs and the adaptation of existing ones (translation, expansion), as well as dealing with aspects that lead to a systematic distortion of the patients' answers (e.g. order effects, memory effects). Both methods of classical and probabilistic test theory are used.
Network: The main focus of cooperation within Med Uni Graz are the Institute for General Practice and Evidence-Based Health Services Research, Clinic of Anesthesiology for Cardiovascular Surgery and Intensive Care Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology and the Division of Medical Psychology, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapeutic Medicine. Further cooperation exist with the Geriatric Health Centers of the City of Graz and Friedrich Schiller University Jena.